환영의 글 - 인사말
뉴욕정원교회는 스튜디오에서 당분간 온라인 예배로 드립니다.
하나님이 뉴욕정원교회를 향해 '행하실 새 일'을 기도하며 기대합니다.
반드시 '새 포도주를 위한 새 부대'로 인도하실 줄 믿습니다.
자세한 사항이나 문의하실 분은 아래로 연락주세요.
EMAIL - [email protected] 또는 [email protected]
TEL - 646 275 0010
Address - 150 50th #3605, Long Island City, NY 11101
담임목사 주효식
하나님이 뉴욕정원교회를 향해 '행하실 새 일'을 기도하며 기대합니다.
반드시 '새 포도주를 위한 새 부대'로 인도하실 줄 믿습니다.
자세한 사항이나 문의하실 분은 아래로 연락주세요.
EMAIL - [email protected] 또는 [email protected]
TEL - 646 275 0010
Address - 150 50th #3605, Long Island City, NY 11101
담임목사 주효식
When people are curious about our Church’s ministry and especially wonders about our Gospel Café’s ministry, they often ask, “Can you tell me how you started and what your final vision is?”
As God showed his wondrous vision to Joseph in his dreams early in his youth, God has showed me the vision in my youth which now has been inscribed in my heart deeply in the way that is far beyond my thoughts and mind. God gave me the inspiration to restore the world in Genesis 1; the world that God saw it and it was good. And to fulfill God given vision, I dreamed to offer a Broadway theater to our Lord God to worship in the best, the highest service that we can ever serve in the center of Manhattan where the world’s economy and Art and media centers. It is not like a mission that we sent out our missionaries to other nations, but rather we throw our nets in the deepest city where approximately more than 45 million people come and visit by themselves.
In U.S, the reality is that many churches are falling and becoming into restaurants, bars, and casinos. In time like this, we proclaim the gospel offensively rather than defensively by bringing the worship more closer and understandable to the people with the tool of ‘Culture’ using the theater where people are easily drawn.
The culture of the world seems to be more splendid and beautiful but culture itself originates from God, and we are trying to show that God’s culture is greater and higher than any other. God has given us the command; “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” In order to fulfill the commandment, it is our vision to restore the fallen culture back to what it originally meant to be from the beginning; “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31)
Rev. Ju, Hyo Sik
As God showed his wondrous vision to Joseph in his dreams early in his youth, God has showed me the vision in my youth which now has been inscribed in my heart deeply in the way that is far beyond my thoughts and mind. God gave me the inspiration to restore the world in Genesis 1; the world that God saw it and it was good. And to fulfill God given vision, I dreamed to offer a Broadway theater to our Lord God to worship in the best, the highest service that we can ever serve in the center of Manhattan where the world’s economy and Art and media centers. It is not like a mission that we sent out our missionaries to other nations, but rather we throw our nets in the deepest city where approximately more than 45 million people come and visit by themselves.
In U.S, the reality is that many churches are falling and becoming into restaurants, bars, and casinos. In time like this, we proclaim the gospel offensively rather than defensively by bringing the worship more closer and understandable to the people with the tool of ‘Culture’ using the theater where people are easily drawn.
The culture of the world seems to be more splendid and beautiful but culture itself originates from God, and we are trying to show that God’s culture is greater and higher than any other. God has given us the command; “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” In order to fulfill the commandment, it is our vision to restore the fallen culture back to what it originally meant to be from the beginning; “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31)
Rev. Ju, Hyo Sik